
Contactless Payment Technology

In 2005, contactless payments began in earnest with a number of retailers offering consumers the ability to use "smart cards" for everything from retail purchases to transit payments.

Contactless payments use smart chip technology that relies on a secure microcontroller, internal memory, and a small antenna embedded in a device that communicates with a reader through a radio frequency (RF) interface.

IMS Research is predicting that 1 billion smart cards will be shipped per year by 2014, and that between 2008 and 2014, the market for smart cards is expected to double, with smaller schemes employing microcontroller-based cards leading the way, such as drivers licenses, health care, national ID and e-passports.

What does all of this mean? Expect to continue to see new, innovative uses for the technology. And, as it becomes more ubiquitous, expect to see consumer demand increase do to the convenience and ease of uses of this technology.

For more information, read the white paper at Northern Leasing Systems.

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